
Hi! This is Sarah from Jackson Regenerational Farm!

This email was hard to write... We are moving...

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hello friends and farm family,

It is with love in our hearts and tears in our eyes that we have some news that may seem shocking.

We have been on a regenerative journey for many years here in Maine. And now we will be moving to where regenerative agriculture is really needed.

We are going to miss you!!!

Our family is moving and our regenerative journey is taking us out west to a more brittle environment to do what we love the most grazing ruminates.

We can't say this enough - so we are going to say it loud so you can hear us in the back!!!

We are...




And so so so so so so humbled that we have been in your life and you have been in ours.

You have filled are hearts and souls with so much love and learning along this journey in Maine being your farmer.

And now we are going to be on another path along our journey and YES, we will be immensely sad to be leaving YOU, Maine, and the life we had here...

AND we are also very excited to be having this opportunity to be making a difference in a place that needs ALL the SOIL HEALTH LOVE we can bring it.

To all our compost customers!!! We love you. Thank you for being a part of our farm and letting us serve you in recycling your compost. We are having conversations with someone who will take over your service for you if you are interested in continuing. I will be sending along more information as those details get finalized.

We don’t want you to have a break in service so we are going to work our hardest to make sure your service doesn’t stop and you know what the next steps will be if you would like to continue.

To our lamb, beef, and egg customers – We love you and thank you for being invested in our farm journey and letting us feed you and your family. If you need help finding another trusted source of lamb, beef, or eggs please reach out and we can help connect you.

If you are interested in following our journey out west you can click below and we will send you updates along the way and links to any videos we make!

With love and so much appreciation,

Nick Jackson, Sarah Mahan and all the children

Hi! This is Sarah from Jackson Regenerational Farm!

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